Embark on a discerning exploration of the esteemed Department of Business Economics at the University of Delhi, a renowned bastion of academic excellence since its inception in 1973. Commemorating five decades of distinguished achievement, immerse yourself in the allure of our campus and unravel the illustrious legacy of our flagship MBA in Business Economics program.
Recognized as the 26th-ranked Government B-School by IIRF 2023 and bestowed with the coveted 'AA' category by T.I.M.E, our department stands as a testament to unwavering commitment and noteworthy accomplishments.
Accompany us as we guide you through our dynamic campus, cultivating a sophisticated academic milieu and providing insightful perspectives from our esteemed faculty, complemented by initiatives that seamlessly bridge academia with industry.
DBE transcends its role as a mere institution of learning; it is a cohesive community dedicated to cultivating the leaders of tomorrow.